Tuesday 27 November 2012

Christine's Tells Her Story of Our Fight to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

Christine wrote..

{{{ My name is Christine Deverell and I am a Personal Wellness Coach and Herbalife Independent Distributor of 18 years standing. In 1994 I lost 18kgs and four dress sizes using Herbalife's phenomenal nutritional products and I have maintained a respectable weight since then, never going a day without my products.
I say "respectable weight", but in the last 3 years, although I have remained the same weight, give or take 4 pounds or so, my clothes size has slowly increased. My arms and legs looked unhealthily thin, and being very petite, with the fat around my stomach was not a great advert for my business.
What more could I have done? It's a no-brainer. I have neglected the importance of exercise, been given the wrong advice about how to exercise and not been diligent in my habits. Like a lot of people I start a program, don't get the result I want, then I quit.
So what to do now? 
In March my friend and colleague in Herbalife Heba Al-Zuhair opened her Bath Nutrition and Wellness Centre in my hometown. I asked if I could join her Weight Loss Challenge to glean her wisdom. She is a very highly qualified nutritionist and former swimming champion and has recognised that my company, Herbalife, has the best products in the world for fitness and weight control and offers them to her clients.
Heba challenged me to work hard on myself during this challenge. It was to be more than an academic exercise for me. The lack of muscle and the volume of fat were at unhealthy levels for a woman of my height. I lost a lot of muscle mass when I had ME but that was over 18 years ago, but it is never too late, even at 60, to change this. Muscle burns fat, and I was eating more fat than I could burn in the form of cheese, butter, some fried food, lashings of mayo and oil on my salads and CAKE. I'm a good cook, I love cooking, and making cakes and desserts is in my genes. The trouble is of course, they end up bursting my jeans!
 The plan? It's a maths exercise.The right amount of protein - for me that was 70 grams per day. Measure my shakes carefully - no added fruit. 2 shakes a day, 2 snacks of low fat protein with a small fruit portion or thin rye bread, raw vegetables and salad, lots of water, green tea and one meal of low fat protein with vegetables and minimum carbs. 85% dark chocolate - one square a day! I have to discipline myself to get all this food down me every day - I'm not deprived!! For the first time in my life I have meticulously counted calories - you don't have to do it for long - after 3 weeks you just know. I have cheated. I have eaten chocolates, a few cakes, biscuits, desserts and drunk about 2 bottles of wine in 9 weeks.
 Today I blocked a friend on Facebook because she took it upon herself to call me obsessive and unhealthy and implied my children would be obsessed and unhealthy. I am dedicated to a goal and I am being professional. It is my job to help people reach their weight loss and fitness goals and I have to DO IT for the sake of my integrity and credibility. Fat - any amount, anywhere on my body = unbalanced and unhealthy. My name is not Marjorie Daws!
Exercise focuses on weights to build muscle and walking. My aerobics class was scrapped temporarily because I was losing muscle. After weight training I have 2 scoops of Herbalife 24 Muscle Build. I take multivitamins and fibre and herb, omega 3 Herbalifeline, and other supplements to enhance my results.
The result? I'm on my way to my goal of 22% fat, 2-3 visceral fat score (that's the dangerous fat round and in the internal organs) and 40% muscle mass.}}}.....
 What a lovely story! So inspiring and shows that when there is a will, miracles may just happen. So if you feel that you would like to live a dream to be fitter and healthier after the festive season, I have a new challenge starting on January.
So why don't you Join my 12 week Reduce Your Body Age challenge to Turn Your Body Clock Back and Look and Feel Younger. This challenge is designed to help you shed some of your chronological body age and get you to feel younger biologically.
Take the first step to Fight Body Aging and lose Weight by Joining the Body Age Challenge. You can Fight Your Body Aging simply by feeding your Cells and keeping them Young. We will work on your Metabolic Age, which reflects your Physical Health for example you could be 35 but your metabolic age is 75. The only way to do that is by a Healthy
Nutrition Program and a Suitable Fitness program that I will tailor make to fit your needs and help your body resist ageing.
January 2013:
Tuesday 8th at 6:15pm
Wednesday16th at 6:15pm
Tuesday 22nd at 10.30 am
To book your place please contact the centre on: 01225 571361

Monday 26 November 2012

Healthy Meal Bar - Super Berry - with a yoghurt base and blueberries, acacia berries and pomegranate (superfruits).

When you’re out and about, you’ll never have to worry about missing a healthy and tasty meal. The convenient and portable Formula 1 Healthy Meal Bar is nutritionally balanced and tasty. The Formula 1 Healthy Meal Bar provides you with the essential nutrients needed for a healthy meal* on the go.

When trying to lose or manage your weight, it’s important to maintain a nutritionally balanced diet which can be difficult if convenient and tasty solutions are out of reach. A healthy meal like Herbalife Formula 1 Shake or Formula 1 Healthy Meal Bar keep your caloric intake down to avoid putting on extra weight, while also providing you essential vitamins and minerals, long lasting carbohydrate and protein for energy to help feel fuller for longer.
Enjoy Formula 1 Shake or Healthy Meal Bar everyday as a healthy meal option. Want a personalised weight management programme?
Formula 1 Shakes is already the preferred healthy meal solution for millions of people everyday helping them achieve weight management results they feel proud of. Make it a tasty meal everyday by adding your favourite fruits to personalise the flavour even more. Your Formula 1 comes in a cannister or single serving sachets.

Need a convenient healthy meal when on the go?
NEW - Formula 1 Healthy Meal Bar is handy to keep with you when you are on the go, and when consumed with a generous drink of water, you never have to miss out on a nutritious meal. Available in a delicious chocolate and crunchy flavour, it is the tempting meal replacement to avoid excess-calorie options when on the go.
*This product is intended for use as part of an energy restricted diet and with other foodstuffs, in conjunction with regular physical activity.
• Calorie controlled with only 207 calories per bar
• High in fibre and soy protein for sustained energy levels and to help keep you feeling fuller for longer
• Low gylcemic index (GI)
• Contains soy: the inclusion of at least 25g of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels
• Contains essential vitamins and minerals to help you reach your Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
• Suitable for vegetarians
• Available in chocolate flavour
• Nutritionally balanced and tasty meal in a convenient and portable bar

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Manuka Honey's....

According to doctors, Manuka honey's high sugar content creates a waterless environment in which the bacteria that are infecting a wound are unable to survive. 

Also, thanks to the presence of an enzyme called glucose oxidase, it is acidic, which apparently adds to its unique antibacterial properties.

Manuka honey has long had a reputation as a "healing" honey and, because it comes from bees that have been busy pollinating the Manuka trees that grow almost exclusively in the East Cape region of New Zealand, it has rarity value. This makes it expensive.

Raw 20+Manuka Honey- This is a potent honey with superior levels of activity. 

It is recommended for direct application for wound healing, such as burns, ulcers, pressure sores, staph infections proving to be effective against MRSA( MRSA is a type of bacterial infection that is resistant to a number of widely used antibiotics. 

This means it can be more difficult to treat than other bacterial infections.). Perfect for digestive health, where smaller amounts of honey can be consumed due to its potency.

Sunday 18 November 2012

The difficulty with losing weight..

Learning techniques on "how to lose weight" is why my clients make nutrition appointments with me. By then most are frustrated with their inability to lose a few pounds.
The list below is an attempt to offer an insight that will hopefully help to answer the question that is backed up by research at Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, and the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center.
So why is adding weight easy?
  • The world we live in is very tempting when it comes to consuming food. What makes that worse is that most of the food on offer is unhealthy and is likely to add weight. This explains why we are heavier as a generation than our parents’ generation
  • It is not simply a question of will power. Research studies have shown that obese people need more food for their brains to generate the “I am full” response
  • Obese people tend to search for high fat foods when stressed more than lean people
  • Obese people tend to be to impulsive eaters than lean people and they respond better to TV advertising that targets eating impulsively
  • The high exposure to food advertising also targets children who see 13 food ads a day on average. Almost all of those ads encourage unhealthy eating habits
  • It has been reported that children who watched 4 food ads, consumed 45% more crackers than those that watched games ads. The percentage was even higher for those that liked crackers
  • Using children icons such as cartoon characters seems to improve product sales volume with a high percentage of children thinking that it tasted better!
  • Research showed that standard supermarket food, which is high is sugar and saturated fat lead to weight gain  
  • Research showed that people thought that foods with higher calorie tags were tastier than those with lower calories
  • We make up to 200 food decisions a day and will power is drained towards the end of the day
  • The reality of the world we live in is we respond to marketing and that unhealthy products are profitable and are marketed more aggressively
So what can we do?
·       Try to avoid watching food ads and influence your children not to
·       If you watch food ads remind yourself of its influence on your health
·       Avoid processed food and try to pick natural product when you shop

I run a Weight Loss Challenge (WLC) which is packed with information to give you the facts so you can make the right food choices. It’s like having a personal nutrition trainer. 
To make it a little more exciting I include healthy competition so there is a cash prize for the winner, although most of my clients find the weight loss the best reward they could ever have. We have a friendly, supportive and encouraging group who enjoy getting together once a week for a catch up, weigh in and to swop ideas and recipes.
The course lasts for 12 weeks and we cover topics such as: protein, good and bad fats, digestive health, metabolism, fibre, alkalinity & acidity, carbohydrates, heart health, dining out, anti-aging, vitamins, shopping & labels 
The cost for the 12 week course is £39. There is nothing else to pay for my time, that’s it. 

It will be very useful for you to join and I will look forward to meet you and help you achieve your goals!

Heba Al-Zuhair